I have seen God.
I have seen Walter's 84 year old hands rub sun-heated, soapy water over Samara's raisin skin, latched on to her bones.
I have seen the burning bush.
I have seen a blind man bathe his bed-ridden friend's armpits, breasts, ribs, legs, toes, and back with the dignity of a queen.
I have seen Jesus wash his disciples´ feet.
I have seen parched lips moistened by stubborn, tender hands.
I have seen Love.
Samara died yesterday. Her frail body let go.
There is a peace in death.
"For what is it to die
but to stand naked in the wind
and to melt into the sun?"
-Kahlil Gibran
May we look for the resurrection of the dead. Amen.
With you,
May Samara rest in peace and may you continue to see God in everything. May God bless you and your dear ones. Neida
ReplyDeleteEso es amor, me encantaria poder compartir contigo esta experincia tan hermosa que estas teniendo, has visto a los ojos de dios y el te ha respondido con las mas bellas experiencias pues no es en la riqueza donde se encuentra la verdadera felicidad sino en el brillo en los ojos de aquellos a quienes cambias su vida ensenandoles que dios si existe y tu mi querida amiga, con tu sonrisa y tu carino le estas ensenando a estas personas la palabra del senor.
ReplyDeleteNo es aquel que conoce el libro y lo resita quien ensena la obra, tu eres una verdadera profeta quien con tus actos nos demuestras a todos nosotros que dios existe y posee angeles hermosos para llevar su palabra.
May Samara's soul experience the peace and love she'll find in heaven. God Bless you, Luisely. I am so glad that you are feeling better after your illness. Take care, Janet
ReplyDeleteI pray for you and for your loved ones several times a day. I hope you are back to your healthy being. Neida
ReplyDeleteNow she'll be watching over all of you.
ReplyDeleteTry to find her in the sun...
Love you lots,
Binding today
ReplyDeleteIn remembrance of your appointed day and hour, today’s dawning rays began their anniversary dance to four and twenty years of grace. We now celebrate the beautiful fruit of that grace in mind and heart expressions that allow us to walk alongside you on your pilgrimage among the poor. May you find rest and strength in a moons ago memory in the spontaneous warmth in the silence of a parting prayer – for peace, protection, and the abundant rewards of binding oneself to God’s Will.
Luisely my sweet, I want to wish you a very Happy 24th Birthday filled with lots of love, happiness and many blessings. I hope you had a remarkable day and you smiled, danced and ate yummy food in abundance!!! I am so happy you've enjoyed 24th years on this Earth and I know you'll be blessed with MANY MORE TO COME!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteLove you lots and missing you from FL,
Luisi, tengo envidia espiritual por ti!! Que cosas hermosas has tenido la oportunidad de ver y de ser parte de. Cada ves estás más cerquita de Dios. QUE RICO! Mi vida, también te quiero felicitar en tu cumple cumple. Tas más añejada! weee! Andrés está GRANDOTE, ya en septiembre sale del horno con mucha ayuda de Dios! TE KIERO MUCHO!!! P.D. **Toy asustá por el parto, my 1st time, ora un chin cuando tengas time, y yo por ti! TE KIERO